Homepage of the Chaos Demon...
Don't know how (or why) you found me, but here I am.
Yep, here I am. Not a very exciting person, I know, but hey! Demons aren't very exciting. Get used to it. Satan sent me here to keep Chaos going... You know, all the little stuff that happens everyday, that keeps life going? That item on your desk you never noticed before. I put it there. The millions of people that you will touch but never know over the course of your lifetime. I sent them your way. You get the idea... That's my job. Bet you feel better now. Maybe a nail on the road home will learn you respect...
The Chaos Demon's Weekly Ponderer:
As a young female friend (human; some of us Demons LIKE humans, you know!) of mine brought to my attention recently:
Why do "Professional" Sports players get PAID?
Shouldn't the GAME be enough?
My Interests? Hey! Demons like stuff, too! Damn humans...
Oh, let's see here, Books, Poetry (Milton, duh!), Animals, Art (Giger), Video Games, Thinking, Lounging, Killing Nic-fits, and on occasion, causing general Chaos to occur!
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